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In the fall of 2003 the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau of the F.C.C. began enforcing changes to licensing regulations requiring "Prior Coordination Notification" for all new applications and major changes to existing STLs and Intercity Relays.

The changes require that these applications be coordinated in the same manner as Part 101 (Fixed Microwave) applications and that notification be sent to all possibly affected stations prior to filing the application for the new or modified STL or ICR.

R.M. SMITH ASSOCIATES has the required expertise and software to prepare the coordination, notification and application for new STLs and ICRs and changes to existing facilities.

If you need an application for an STL or ICR please download the STL Info Form to see a complete list of the information we will require to prepare the necessary coordination, notification and application.

Click at right to download STL Information Form:    STLForm.pdf

 R.M. SMITH ASSOCIATES maintains a website dedicated to STL licensing and operation.  Click HERE to visit that site at stllicense.com.


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